Today is Craig's birthday. I've been looking at it in my calendar all week, with fondness and sadness. He would have been 53. He fought cancer for over two years before this lap around the sun was truncated on April 2 . He was a huge part of my life while he was here. He has continued to be so through the ways he helped me, the friends and relationships I made and kept through him, and the experiences I would otherwise have missed if he had not introduced me to various concepts, groups, and spaces. He supported me in all I did.

I wanted to put something out into the world to honor him on his birthday. Craig encouraged everyone he knew to create and put things out into the world. Nothing was considered too insignificant to matter, everything counted. "The world" didn't have to mean at large, creating something for yourself in your personal world was more than enough. I am relearning how to knit, and today I knitted a new lace pattern in purple yarn. It doesn't look quite right, but it doesn't matter. I created it.

Today, I encourage you to do the same. Whether you knew Craig or not, create something and share it with someone. If you don't feel that you have anyone to share it with, share it with me. If someone shares something they created with you, give them support. Add something positive to the world. Create, share, and support.

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